CTIA: Ford details the connected car
As more people use their smartphones while driving, Ford is finding ways of safely integrate their apps into its cars

The automotive industry and the wireless industry have a lot more in common then you might think, Ford Motor group vice president of global product development Derrick Kuzak told the attendees of CTIA Enterprise & Applications on the closing days of the show. Not only do they share the same customers, but increasingly those customers are using both industries products simultaneously, he said.

Kuzak said 35% of smartphone owners with applications on their device use them in the car. Meanwhile the average commuter spends 3 hours in the car and drives roughly 16.5 hours a week, and those commute times are steadily increasing due to growing traffic congestion, Kuzak said. As people drive more and more people buy smartphones, mobile devices an applications will become an increasingly popular distraction from the monotony of the daily commute.

“People are looking to make up for this lost time,” Kuzak said during his keynote. “They can either do it unsafely or they can do it with their hands on the wheel and their eyes on the road.”
